Tag Archives: Pitching

Promoting vs Ignoring

Have you ever noticed the difference in traffic numbers to your posts when you ‘promote’ the contents, compared to when you publish it and just leave it in the hopes that your tags will bring people your way?

I know I have and I hope that with this post, we’ll all see what difference it makes to sharing your post, or a post on your blog by a guest blogger. Rather than just posting what’s been presented to you and leaving it to stagnate without generating any interest what so ever.

Over the last two weeks I’ve been watching the page views on a blog of mine and at the same time I’ve been running a mini experiment to see what difference the above comments make to the blog. With the enlisted help of the last guest blogger, we both discussed how we would promote the post, to the effect that after only three days this one post has had 105 views. When I compare this to a post that I added on the same day but didn’t promote, I noticed the vast difference in the number of hits to that very blog.

But what’s the point in promoting I hear you ask? Well, if you are like me, someone who wants to build their target audience and market their book which isn’t out just yet, than promoting the posts in which it connects is very important. You want your name out there. You want people to keep coming back. You see in the writing world, that audience decides where you stand as a writer. If you aren’t willing to promote yourself then don’t expect anyone else to do it for you. It’s the same when it comes down to hosting a guest on your blog. Not only is it down to the guest sharing that post, but as host it is also your responsibility to give them the best audience as possible. Whether you get them or not is a different matter when you do all you can within your power to get them out there.

I speak from experience here, from both standing points. And whilst you do feel disappointed when the help isn’t being given to help showcase your efforts, you do learn from the experience. There is no two ways about it. So over the coming weeks it will be interesting to see how the traffic progresses. I will continue to work as I have been and make note of my findings and we shall see at the end of it all which works better.

It’s also important that you try to get some form of reader feedback going on, but as I speak from experience, try as I might to get feedback it doesn’t seem to be happening for me. I don’t know whether it’s the contents of these postings or whether it’s just people don’t have an answer for it, but by the end of this tour, I hope to work out why.

Oh and while you promote, always remember to work on a good pitch – sharing just the page it’s on doesn’t always attract the desired interest to your blogs.


Filed under Informative